Monday, February 06, 2006

For Those of You Just Tuning In

There has been an excess of posts in the last few days ever since I realized I might not reach my goal of 365 posts in 365 days. I apologize for any ensuing tedium, and promise more content when I return to my one-a-dayish average after the 8th, whether or not I meet my goal, which is looking less and less likely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only eight more to go!!! You can do it!!

(I feel like Bella Karolyi cheering you on)

If it will help, I have a few more topics to go over if interested....

---Super Bowl Commercials: You Spent $500K On That?!?!?

---The Hidden Joys of Deadlines

---Stomach Stapling or Fad Diets: Celebrity Face-Off

---Views on George Clooney's "Impression" of Groucho Marx

I'm sure others here can throw out a few more items if you really get pressed....