Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A Seemingly Rhetorical Question

If it ever occurs to you to ask the question, “Does the Pope wear red Prada shoes?” in a rhetorical fashion, you will, curiously, not prove your point. He is, however, still Catholic.


Dean said...

In the first place, I am disappointed to find that the Pope doesn't wear red Prada shoes.

In the second place, wouldn't it be cool if he did and then you could diss all the people who failed to appreciate your totally cool rhetorical question?

Anonymous said...

But he does wear red Prada shoes!

Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

Riddle me this...

But does the pope shit in the woods? And if he does, and no one is there to hear it, are his Prada shoes really red?

Anonymous said...

If no one is there to hear it, the woods don't exist at all.