Friday, June 02, 2006

Don’t Forget About Saunders

Okay, kids, next week is the inaugural standBy Bert Book Club/In Persuasion Nation Week over here and my hope is to keep it as casual as it might be if we were actually sitting around someone’s living room, but in the interest of some sort of coherence, I will attempt some small version of moderating by posing one extremely broad question each day for you to ponder and respond to (in the comment box as usual) and which we can all respond back to until we’re done responding to all the responses. Dig? Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

yo i'm already reading it. these stories are wicked-funny! and yes i mean wicked-funny as in a specific type of funny vs. wickedly funny as in soooo funny that it reaches the level of wickedly funny. if that makes any sense to you. but it makes sense to me! :)

Dean said...

My copy of In Persuasion Nation arrived from Indigo last week, and I'm halfway through.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I have reached my goal of turning at least one person on to George Saunders!!!!

smussyolay said...

i went to the library thursday to get it and i finished it yesterday. both the woman who i picked it up from and the guy on the phone who i called to hold it were obvs big saunders fans.

there were times when i sort of didn't get it, which made me feel stupid, which made me mad. but i am holding on to the hope that like most literature i sometimes find obscure at times, that discussing it with others and hearing what they thought will turn the lightbulb on.

Chris said...

Hi Betsy, Chris here. I'm about 3/4 of the way through Persuasion Nation, and looking forward to your moderation. I have a bad habit of ripping through books without retaining anything specific from the text. Some 'net discussion might be enlightening.

Anonymous said...

Chris - so glad you're coming!