Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Soon I Will Explore the Mysteries of Myspace

Which is both magnetic and bizarro, and about which I have many things to say, but for now let me say only that because of my recent presence on myspace, I have discovered an excellent writer by the name of Roy Kesey, whose dispatches from China I highly recommend, as well as a few stories of his that I’ve hunted down in lit mags I happened to have in my house, back issues of McSweeney’s and the Land-Grant College Review. His book is called NOTHING IN THE WORLD. I'm having html issues now. Find him.


Anonymous said...

Wow, great recommendation. Thanks!

BTW, what do you think is the greatest American novel?

Me, huck finn... ^_^

Anonymous said...

um...i am on that gaywad hootenanny known as myspace as well.

if it's any consolation....

S-JY said...

"This profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her profile." Well, that's lame. Winkity winky!