Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Oh. Dear. God.

Can we all just say some prayers for the people of America now? Because I think we're in some trouble. Have a look at this if you don't believe me.


Teodoro Callate said...

Can't we just look like we look? What's so bad about that? Man.

Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

You can pick the "square, sexy" Gwyneth or the "sophisticated" — and most requested — Halle, and you can choose from a range of shades.

Hey, Zeus! We're talking about teeth here, right? Because if we're talking about their implants, those adjectives fit perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Very nice, Byron.

Teeth, yes, Dan.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't think Tom Cruise has anything to worry about.

Anonymous said...

I can't keep up with the trends. I'm too old for all this, seriously.

Anonymous said...

I love how that one woman says she's "pushing 35". I'm 36. Woo, hear those joints creak!

Me personally, I like to use the teeth for um, chewing. Plus, it's not like there aren't eleventy billion (yes I am using that number again) whitening products on the market. A little dental floss goes a long way, chums.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what I'm pushing if people are pushing 35. "Up daisies" I guess. Dental floss, whitening products, all fine - and if you NEED them fixed, it's been my feeling that getting your teeth fixed can go a long way toward an extreme makeover without, you know, all that face-cutting. But celebrity teeth? Mmm. Not for me.

Anonymous said...

As someone who didn't get braces until her thirties, I'm not one to throw stones.

Though it was for structural problems, I swear.