Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Dead Man

Is such a sad beautiful movie that you all should see it if you haven’t. At first I wasn’t quite sure where it was going, or if I wanted to go with it. It’s not a fast-paced film. But it is a really moving portrait of this man who – well, he moves to this small town to get a job and something happens and he’s run out of town and what happens to him while he’s on this journey is in some ways subtle and other ways not. He develops a typically Jarmuschy friendship with this Native American named Nobody. In some ways it also addresses the subject of identity, maybe everything does, because he begins the movie as this mild-mannered guy and in some ways that’s still a part of him at the end, but he’s also so much more. And the music is rocking and haunting at the same time. I don’t want to say too much more if you haven’t seen it, but the end totally killed me.


Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

Dead Man is one of my all-time favorite films... The Neil Young grindy-feedbacky soundtrack is quite great also.

Anonymous said...


Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

It's funny how I just hang around, saying nothing accept vaguely acknowledging what people just said.

Here's something!


A poorly written article about Jim Jarmusch and his new film, Broken Flowers, starring the ever brilliant Bill Murray.

Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

I would accept that, except I don't know the difference between the two words.

Christ on a cracker! I'm useless without at least four hours of sleep.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about, Bill Murray?

There's also an article about him in this weekend's Times magazine I haven't read yet but I can't wait to see that movie. He's my hero.

Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

Who is your hero? Jarmusch or Murray?

Anonymous said...

Bill Murray, why are you drinking so much coffee Bill Murray?

Bill Murray, of course!

Anonymous said...

Betsy, Dead Man is one of my favorites too. I am in love with Nobody.

xox Stacey

Anonymous said...

Nobody is awesome.