Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I Feel All Nervous-Like

Wow, I got my first blog review this week, and it was good! I feel all kinds of pressure to post only deep and meaningful, spell-checked entries now that there might be someone reading besides my four friends. Which of course means that I now have exactly nothing to say.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if it's online, this was in the print edition - I couldn't find it, but their website is www.urchicago.com.

Teodoro Callate said...

I totally hear you, Bets. I haven't been reviewed (nor would I expect that I ever would be), but after I went "incognito" and relaunched Tres Hombres, I sent out an email to lots of friends. Which was followed by no ideas and frequent boring or bad posts. Now that I'm down to about the same four people, three of which might not be you, I am once again feeling able to blog.

So. What have we learned? Interesting blogging has an inverse relationship with blog traffic.

Or not.

Anonymous said...

No, I think you have it right, T, so let's pretend no one is reading either way. Which is how I write my books, too.