Friday, October 07, 2005

Exactly How Long Should I Be Waiting For My Overnight Success?

Because it’s been a little over twenty-four hours since I declared myself a celebrity, and yet my celebrity status still seems to be unrecognized. Wait, let me go down and see if they’ve delivered that pile of money I’ve been expecting. Dang.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for the delay with the pile of cash. The celebrity armored truck has been at my house dropping off my millions. I'm sure they'll arrive soon.

Donny B said...

I can't help but notice that as you leave a comment, it asks you to "Choose an Identity." Yeah, like it's just a matter of choice, Mr. Blogger. Like we can just choose our identities. So Elizabeth can just choose "celebrity", and I can just choose "George Clooney's bathrobe."

Anonymous said...

That is a fantastic observation, Don. This may be the missing ingredient in my celebrityhooddomnessism.

Anonymous said...

Christopher said, "I should wait outside her house and take her picture!" and then, later: "Actually, I shouldn't do that 'cause it's really creepy."