So the other morning Ben was singing "Party All the Time" in the falsetto you've all had the pleasure of witnessing now.
Me: Do you know who sings that?
Ben: Paula Abdul?
Me: (giggling) No.
Ben: Bob? (Bob here = actor friend who plays 'Wilson' on the popular Fox television series "House.")
Me: (giggling more) No.
Ben: Okay I have no idea.
Me: Eddie Murphy.
Ben: No way!
Betsy: For real.
Ben: Well then I was pretty close with my last guess.
my mom was all disgusted with us as kids cause we were singing that once cause she thought the song was "likes to POTTY all the time..."
she doesn't hear very well sometimes ...
This song has been in my head every since I read this post five days ago. I hate you both. Haha.
My gym here in Philadelphia has its own video channel, and it plays a lot of great but random stuff... it plays the video for "party all the time" all the time. It's so weird. I don't think I'd heard that song since it was big when it was out and now I hear it like once a week.
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