Anyhoo, the point is, you can buy the book now, YOU MUST BE THIS HAPPY TO ENTER, it's on Powells and Amazon and in most stores, from what folks tell me, even though the official release date is February 8.
And if you're feeling all Frenchy, there's a bonus story in the French edition, also just out, which is called BANANA LOVE (another story in the collection), and you can order that from
Chicagoans, please come to the release reading/celebration:
Thurs., February 7, 7pm
1854 W. North Ave.
Chicago, IL
Special home-style treats for book-buyers!
I just picked up a copy of your book yesterday from the staff picks at Women & Children First, and am loving it. So far, it has the perfect amount of zombies, which is so often lacking in today's literature.
Can't wait to read more! :)
Excellent, thanks, Jenny, hope you like the rest!
I'm disappointed in the French book cover for this one. All of the other ones had horrible/funny translations but super sexy covers with, um, sexy girls on them. Where are the sexy girls, Crane? And why do the French get a bonus story? Do you hate America? I'm telling Homeland Security on you.
I picked up the new book, too. Enjoying it so far. I wish you were gonna be in Chicago when I'll be up there in April. :(
oh! i saw that on amazon and thought it must be a mistake!
yay! i'm so excited to have a new book of yours!!!
beth b.
So psyched. Running to Amazon (or typing, as the case may be) to order it.
sigh. i am going to be working. :(
p.s. the word verification is agsoso. i think it should be a word.
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