The more problematic behavior, of late, is that after TV/reading hour is over, Percy has become more and more reluctant to go to his own bed on the floor, and has repeatedly either whined to get back into bed with us, where, during sleeping hours, there is no room for Percy and our four legs. The repeated whining, however, is more or less intolerable, and so often one or the other of us will concede some space to Percy and contort our legs however we can so that we can go back to sleep. I suggested a king-sized bed, which Ben is not into. Then I had a genius idea. Ben could build a platform dog bed that will go at the foot of our bed, so that Percy would have the feeling that he's in our bed but really he isn't. I tested out this idea with a makeshift version where I put Percy's dog bed on top of the trunk already at the foot of the bed, which isn't really big enough (or stable enough, long-term), but amazingly, he went for it, and slept there for several nights before Ben brought home the new dog bed.
And I was thinking, hm, where am I going to move the antique trunk to when the dog bed comes home. My idea was that Ben would slap some two-by fours together with a piece of plywood.
I should have known my husband would never do such a thing.
What can I even say? My husband is the winner. The winner of the husbands. And my dog is about the luckiest dog ever. Paris Hilton's dogs wish they had beds like this.
That is the cutest. Percy is totally spoiled!! ;)
I am suffering intense quilt envy, right now.
Percy has a better bed than I do....
Hee - thanks guys!
I have the exact same issue, only my dog is so small that we usually don't notice him wedged between us. We tried the "bed on the bench" trick, but he's only interested in sleeping on the bench if there's a precarious stack of laundry to teeter on.
Are you a quilter?
Now that is one fine-looking dog bed! I would like to place an order for five ... or maybe we should just get rid of the human bed and line the entire room with comfy pillows and blankets. Hmm ... just moved the bed and found a zillion cat toys ... we give up. The animals win. They always do, don't they? :)
What an awesome idea! wish I would of thought of that before my legs turned into twisted pretzels legs.(LOL) what a lucky pup he is to have such patient and understanding parents. Kudos to you!
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