Monday, June 04, 2007

Crane's Top Ten Favorite Movies Ever: Now with more Apatow!

Knocked Out, people. Laughs from beginning to end. Funny, real, sweet. Martin Starr is in it. That's all you should really need to know.


Anonymous said...

OMG, and Whatsisname Segal, too? So much "Freaks and Geeks" I cannot handle it!

Eric Spitznagel said...

I have such a man-crush on Martin Starr. If anybody can make "stoned dude growing a beard" an Oscar-worthy performance, it's him.

Anonymous said...

you're right, martin starr is all i need to know. and i mean "know" if you know what i mean. i mean sex.

Anonymous said...

Run, don't walk, Jackie and Henslies!
Eric, how did you get your little picture on there?

Eric Spitznagel said...

No clue. It just shows up whenever I comment. I am to the Internet technology what Martin Starr is to athletic competitions.

Justin D.M. Palmer said...

Betsy, go be Judd's myspace friend because then you get to see some hilarious outtakes and joke videos. My fav so far is "Michael Cera gets fired from Knocked Up". genius.