So my story “Ad” from ALL THIS HEAVENLY GLORY is going to be read at Symphony Space next Wednesday the 14th, Valentine’s Day, if you don’t have a date or if you do! I read this story at a reading exactly one time, because it has only one period, at the end, and it was not at all easy to read, even for the author, plus parts of it are embarrassingly autobiographical to read oneself, and so all the way around, bringing in a professional actor was a very good idea, I think, and I’m pretty stoked about it. Plus, you know, it’s NPR and shit. Come if you can!
Selected Shorts
dang. i will be in NY over the weekend but back here by the 14th.
btw, Salon has an article of that scary Eric dude today (2/8)...
Oh Betsy
I wish I was in New York- this is a New York thing- right? Is that why this midwestern girl just cant figure out what you're talking about? 95th & Broadway do not intersect in the city of Chicago- right? Love, your old friend who used to be cake baker and is now kitchen floor sweeper & jill soloway reader (still)- love the tribute to yer new dog- hairdo!
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