Monday, June 12, 2006

Scarface: The Blanket

One of those dollar stores in the neighborhood has several of those Disney-movie themed plush blankets in the window, you know, the kind with Cinderella, or Snow White or what have you? Except the one they’ve chosen to put front and center of the window display features a giant Al-Pacino-As-Scarface. Yes, I know this is very popular in certain circles, on jackets and sweatshirts and other casual apparel. But on a comforter? Giant Al Pacino in black white and red? I’m going to say: Not comforting.


Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised....Last Christmas, I came across the Scarface Pimp Cup, a tasteful chalice with faux diamonds spelling out the initials TM for Tony Montana. It looks like a Hip Hop Holy Grail and was quite the conversation starter for our demented gift exchange.

"First you Get the Money, then you get the power, then you get the plush blanket."

/however disturbing, it is still better than the "Author!Author!" or "Dog Day Afternoon" plush blanket

mernitman said...

...and then snuggle into bed with your Hannibal Lecter slippers and your Aliens night-shirt...

Anonymous said...

Matt and Mernit, I am so giggling here in Chicago. And Billy I am loving your book! I'm waiting for Hannah and Her Sisters to come from Netflix so I can finish the exercises in Chapter 2. Any writing book that references Bjork is not your average writing book.

.25 life crisis kid said...

I once saw a jim carrey (THE MASK) face on a comforter. I don't think that's comforting either.

mernitman said...

So glad you're enjoying the book. Little did I know that it would be Baz Luhrman and co. who'd jump-start the musical again (followed by Catherine-Zeta and Rennee Z?!).
Are you a "Hannah" virgin? If so, I envy you -- such a good film!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I couldn't help but think about the musicals that have come since you wrote it. No, not a Hannah virgin, but it's been a long time since I've seen it, it was great, again - really weird seeing how much my old hood has changed in 20 years. Anyway, the exercises have been incredibly helpful. I fleshed out an idea totally from the exercises. Whether or not I can write it remains to be seen.