Thursday, December 22, 2005

New Lows in Syndicated TV: Imagine!

Stumbled across “Eye for an Eye” on channel 26 yesterday, which clearly needs little further explanation except that it’s one of those judge shows (have I told y’all how I feel about those judge shows? I’m against.) but the twist is that they find some “fitting” punishment like tossing pies at someone or putting them through a carwash in a convertible with the top down. What could possibly make this show worse than the concept? KATO KAELIN is the host. So while you get pies thrown at you? Kato Kaelin stands by with commentary. Do I even need to go into the new levels of wrong this reaches? Kato Kaelin is famous for being a KOOKY WITNESS and HOUSEGUEST of OJ Simpson. Now he is being monetarily compensated for these talents. Kato Kaelin. Kato Kaelin. Kato Kaelin. I'm sorry. That was me trying to shake it all out of my head.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Okay, Kind and Kooky Kato it is.

Anonymous said...

i've seen this show before, at least i think i have. is this the one where it looks as if it's being held inside a new-age prison? if this is the same show, the episode i saw featured a male couple, one of which was clearly a sugar daddy, who went on vacation and left his partner to watch his dog. the dog (named sarah jessica barker, no lie) tore up the rich guy's house. in return, his partner was sentenced to spend 3 days in a kennel, as a dog.

Donny B said...

Do you think there's any connection between watching Kato during the day and then having weird dreams that night? Makes me wonder...