Tuesday, July 19, 2005

This is a little creepy, right?

There’s an article on the front page of today’s Times about how stickers on fruit are going the way of rotary phones and in their stead the fruit will be “tattooed” with a laser that only burns the outer layer of the skin of the fruit and is scannable just like the sticker. It’s true, those stickers are often the bane of my existence. I know we live in an increasingly big-brotherlike world these days. But if that’s going to be the case, I’d still like to be able to pretend I have some modicum of privacy, and tattooed fruit seems a step away from tattooed me. Oh wait, I’m already tattooed. But I don’t have a bar code yet, and I’d like to keep it that way.


Anonymous said...

B beat me to the punch....collecting Chiquita stickers were an obsession for me as well. Apparently, at one point many moons ago, you could redeem bananna stickers for prizes a la Green Stamps. Once manic behavior is societally approved by parentals or others, forget about it. I'm like a Pavlovian dog even today, mindlessly sticking them in a side cupboard, hoping upon hope that someday they will come back in vogue and that I will have enough to buy my own Caribbean island, Chiquitaland.

But, noooooooooooooo....I should have obsessed about lame baseball cards or dumbass comic books. Good luck trying to hook an entirely new generation to your product with tattoos, jerks.

/not bitter
/not ignoring Betsy's privacy paranoia, just ranting....

Anonymous said...

Well, you guys have a little while to keep collecting - take solace in the fact that this indicates that there is probably going to be a market for this on ebay.

Me too, Byron!

Teodoro Callate said...

I was in a band called Tattooed Fruit once.

no i wasn't

Anonymous said...

They would save a lot of time if they just tampered with the genetic code of the fruit so it grew a nice all-natural bar code.

Anonymous said...

Whoa... even creepier! But oddly believable!