Friday, July 08, 2005

Stepford Fiancee

I'm beginning to feel grateful that the whole TomKat thing wasn't going on back when Katie was still Joey Potter. This way I have a small chance of retaining my memories of the Dawson's gang as being pure and untainted by them having, you know, actual lives. Or things that pass for such.


Mistah Kurtz He Dead said...

She peaked at "Pieces of April", and now this?

Teodoro Callate said...

I've always been skeptical that Tom Cruise is gay. I'm also skeptical that he "tried out" several actresses for the part as his new squeeze. I think that stuff is just hollywood fodder.

I am not, however, at all skeptical about a stunningly handsome 41-year-old mega millionaire movie star getting ultra gooey affections from a recently-come-of-age young miss. Of COURSE she's saying ridiculous things. I say ridiculous things after a good date or two, and she's apparently had some great months with Mr. Fabulous. She just hasn't yet learned that it will all fall apart and come tumbling down one day. She will. Soon enough.

Why am I more cynical about TomKat than I am about AshDem? Dem's pretty weird, too. Age difference is about the same. Genders are switched. It's probably about the same thing, if you think about it...

I am not defending the Clearly Whacked Tom Cruise in any fashion.

Anonymous said...

See, Ted, you get comments about your wardrobe, I get comments about movie stars. I think we can see where our writing strengths lie.
I have no idea whether Tom, or Richard Gere or anyone else is gay. Well, there's one I know for sure is, but you won't hear it here, and that one's a no-brainer. But it sort of rhymes with Second Placey. Hee hee. Anyway, I am no Demi fan, but I have to go with them on the semi-sanity front when compared with Tom - my issue with him is mainly the whole insane meds/vitamins/postpartum doesn't exist/I've gotten hundreds of people off drugs thing - the drama's just heightened by the fact that he's jumping on couches and his girlfriend has a one-line response to any question and it's always the same line. I am undoubtedly - IF Tom is really in love with her - I am jumping-on-couches in love myself, but - I still try to do it at home, and I don't claim to know more about psychiatry than anyone besides... Tom Cruise.
But back to Demi and Ashton. I've heard some not-so-nice rumors about her in the past. However, and granted this opinion is probably in large part biased because Ben and I have a similar age difference in the same direction. Yes, they're both inarguably pretty hot and I'm sure they have the crazy hot sexy sex kind of all the time. But they've been together about the same amount of time as us, and I have to give Ashton some credit - because even though there are a few public examples of it these days, the older woman/younger man thing is still not the norm - and having been in the dating world for longer than anyone should ever have to be - I even dated a bunch of younger men, but I didn't marry them. What I'm saying is I think it takes a pretty cool 27-year-old to stick with a woman 16 years older, even if she is Demi. It's a pretty complex issue, in my experience, that you can't spend that much time with a person and not address.
Or maybe it's just the sex.
Ok I'm done now. Sorry kids.

Anonymous said...

I think the more important question is what happens to Katie when that Paula Cole song -- "I don't wanna wait for my bluh bluh bluh..." -- when she's with Tom. Does she say, "Oh my god, this one time, at the Creek, Pacey and Dawson fully filmed me while I did stuff like, you know, cry while saying really erudite stuff. It was sooooo cool. What were you doing in the 90s?"

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure she does. And then Tom just sends her in for more human deprogramming.