Monday, May 30, 2005

Restless Leg Syndrome

In an unrelated incident (I just felt like starting a sentence with that phrase), Ted, links to an article about the above, not at all, I am sure, intending for readers like me to read the link and go OH MY GOD, I HAVE THAT, I HAVE RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME! But I did, and I do.


Teodoro Callate said...

My God, what have I done?

Ken Foster said...

I definately suffer from it, particular during long, dull movies. But not limited to that. The real question is: Is it due to kidney failure, or an undiagnosed, long-term pregnancy?

Elizabeth Crane said...

Don't feel bad, Ted, you have simply provided me with a diagnosis for this mysterious condition that occasionally hits me when I lie down to go to bed, where my legs start to ache and I just can not get comfortable - unless I get up. (Until now, I've been calling it "That achey leg thing.") I also have it on the couch every once in a while watching movies, but not necessarily dull ones. Ken, I hope to god it's neither of the above, although the latter might explain the extra 20 pounds I've been carrying around for the last year or so.

Ken Foster said...

I always thought it was a poltergeist in my leg.

Elizabeth Crane said...

Poltergeist Leg Syndrome.

Teodoro Callate said...

Yes. You have PLS. Take a pill.


Anonymous said...

One-third of all adult Americans--about 50 million people--complain about their sleep. Some sleep too little, some fitfully, and some too much. Although one-third of our lives is spent asleep, most of us don't know much about sleep, not even our own. We don't even know exactly why we sleep, other than--like an overnight battery recharge--sleep promotes daytime alertness. Sleep problems profoundly disturb both sleeping and waking life.

Some useful resources to help you out from all kinds of sleep disorders

Anonymous said...

Thanks for those resources.

Anonymous said...

Please give these simple ideas a try before you resort to drugs. They worked for me, and they may work for you ... give them 30 days before you decide if they are working or not.