Thursday, April 28, 2005

Huckabees, hearting them

So Ben and I watched I Heart Huckabees last night (I'd insert a symbol for heart but my blogging skills are limited as of yet - I'm close to some success on formatting the blog to include links on the side... I just can't seem to get them on the side), and it was really great but here's my fascinating opinion of the day. I had originally had little interest in this film based on the preview - it presented it as sort of a wacky caper with over-the-top performances by some (albeit) really great actors and I just thought, not for me. I'm not a wacky-caper kind of gal. (What's Up Doc? being about the only exception I can think of right now.) So I blame the marketers or whoever the hell is sitting around thinking of how to advertise a movie like this - because although the wackiness of it is undeniably there (surreal might be slightly more accurate if you ask me), this is ultimately a movie that I found to have real, SO SORRY, heart. Several of the main characters are struggling with these sort of existential issues, and it's very funny, but you end up caring about them very quickly, and although Ben pointed out that there is a certain cynicism to the movie, I still think it's soul comes through more than anything. The writing is so smart and funny. Plus, Jason Schwartzman is awesome, Naomi Watts is great, and the surprise for me was Mark Wahlberg - he was sort of cast against type, but was hilariously earnest and brilliant.


Elizabeth Crane said...

I have seen What's Up Doc about a million times since it came out when I was what - ten? Yes, His Girl Friday is also great - I was thinking more about contemporary screwball comedies. They just aren't what they used to be... (picture me putting my false teeth back in as I say this)

No, Huckabees is its own thing, I'd have to say.

Thanks, Byron, for making me feel less alone. This isn't the first good movie I've rejected on the basis of a dumbass trailer.

Anonymous said...

i heart i heart huckabees so much and so often. i need to just purchase the damned thing and get it over with. chafe was watching it the other night and i had to go to sleep, and i kept thinking 'i have to fall asleep before wahlberg comes on, or there's just no walking away.' so earnest, so brilliant. who knew? mmmmm. heart hearty heart heart, think i'll watch it again tonight.

Elizabeth Crane said...

Oh, I am so glad to know that everyone has been hearting this movie!